
Showing posts from 2014

My Valentine’s Week in Detail

The Last two years, really, my calendar ran like 12, 13, 13½, 15, 16 etc. But this year is a year of change. A year of casting all my fears away and facing to whatever comes my way. Fear has made me give up on promising opportunities (which I do not necessarily regret) but still wonder what season two would have been like. So this year, I decide to retain the14th on my calendar. Nevertheless, the week starting 10th is already being alot to handle. We all know people start coming up with funny alibis for the 14th Feb as soon as the new-year sets in. Smart people always plan ahead. February 10th: Monday This is how the conversation goes with Ongom; Him:    So when can I see you? Me:      When you have time. Him:    Uhm Wednesday oor... oooor or Unnh... Friday?             Nonononoonononononono, not Friday.             F...

I have to cry on my Wedding Day! Whatever it takes…

Exaggerated excitement is a thing of the west! We Africans don't really need to shed tears to show that we are surprised or to express other emotions. Alright, that's like an excuse I always give. We have imported so many western values and norms yet we become defensive towards those that may require a natural occurrence, effort or stem from regular practice (for which we haven’t had the chance) I wrote a story about how am a Mukiga, and should for that reason be excused if easy quot;&quot expression of surprise didn't occur to me. Nevertheless, I recently got a vision. Of my wedding day. I didn't see myself cry at any point! WHAT!  Who does that? Every girl is supposed to cry on her wedding day. That's totally by the book.(Not sure which one) I'm so blessed I had that vision because now I can alter it and one of the four plans am going to lay out below are going to have to work. If something doesn’t naturally occur to you, im...

On family dynamics...

Fine, in every family there is that one thing you will find unique. Of course, unique can be weird or desirable.   Forexample, most people refer to their parents as Baba, Papa, Taata, and the dotcom adult-kids like me, Daddy, and Pappy or Monkey and other petnames (for dotcomcom kids). But the irony (yes, irony, whether the word is applicable or not - it just sounds cute) was when I  heard my neighbor referring to his brother as 'sibling'. He was yelling, 'gwe sibling, engato zange waziteka wa?' I was really intrigued at first hearing. But then brushed It off basing on the fact that it has been evident Ugandans are obsessed with trending sophisticated words that they will end up baptising their children with those words as their names eg Vuvuzela, Olympics, Eclipse, Extradite, LGTBI, POMB, Viber etc. If you go to Kabale, and you hear someone talk about Eclipse, don't be quick to applaud their knowledge diversity. Usually, they are backbiting a 'kalomate...