
Showing posts from January, 2014

On family dynamics...

Fine, in every family there is that one thing you will find unique. Of course, unique can be weird or desirable.   Forexample, most people refer to their parents as Baba, Papa, Taata, and the dotcom adult-kids like me, Daddy, and Pappy or Monkey and other petnames (for dotcomcom kids). But the irony (yes, irony, whether the word is applicable or not - it just sounds cute) was when I  heard my neighbor referring to his brother as 'sibling'. He was yelling, 'gwe sibling, engato zange waziteka wa?' I was really intrigued at first hearing. But then brushed It off basing on the fact that it has been evident Ugandans are obsessed with trending sophisticated words that they will end up baptising their children with those words as their names eg Vuvuzela, Olympics, Eclipse, Extradite, LGTBI, POMB, Viber etc. If you go to Kabale, and you hear someone talk about Eclipse, don't be quick to applaud their knowledge diversity. Usually, they are backbiting a 'kalomate...