Road construction should incorporate feminism.
It's really unfair to females that most roads around the city are constructed with tiny multi-humps ( oba what are their real names, but you get what am talking about, er?' I won't deny that they make the road attractive that sometimes I feel like walking in the middle of the road, however, the consequences are rather disturbing. (Actually there's onl y effect I know/I’m basing on). Most times when I use the road from Ntinda to Spear motors, I have seen some women (including yours truly) protecting their rich bosoms with one hand or two, preventing them from rhythmically going up and down with the taxi movement, usually accompanied with pain equivalent to that I experience while rope skipping unless I don them in both a bra and bob-tub. Matter-of-factly, I gave up exercising because of that inconvenience. Furthermore, drivers don’t care to reduce the speed when they get to the humps. They will never have awesome chests as ours and thus have no idea what we go ...